There is no greater or immediate threat to our industry and its future successes than bridges that don’t bridge and roads that don’t road.
Our ability to assist in the rebuilding of America’s infrastructure is a key focus to aim for when investing in ourselves and future generations. We need to update and streamline the nation’s infrastructure. Reliable infrastructure will enable our domestic supply chains to handle periods of sustained growth.
Our industrial and population growth will enable the United States to become a powerhouse exporter for the world economy – at a level it is not currently designed to do. Rapid globalization has centralized markets and products to incredibly large suppliers, with a better infrastructure smaller suppliers can compete and thrive. Competition drives capitalism, stronger avenues for growth will level the playing field and create the ability to compete.
Infrastructure, of course, entails more than just highways and road systems. When we say our focus is on infrastructure, we are speaking to the strength of the United States and what lies ahead in the future. We need to sustain our population growth. We need buildings that will house current and future generations to be built at a pace that leads to future promise. We are committed to supporting this process by providing the services and information needed to do it well.